“Why must I use only Theory Loudspeaker Controllers to power Theory loudspeakers?”
Performance. That’s why.
And performance is a gigantic part of who we are, and why we’re here.
Theory is genuinely unique and our products have completely changed the level of performance attainable from small to medium size installed sound systems. Part of the way we attain this level of performance is by employing proprietary DSP techniques to process the signal for our loudspeakers and subwoofers with a very high degree of precision.
So the answer as to why you must use our Loudspeaker Controllers with our speakers is simply that the performance would not be possible any other way. And our remarkable performance is a key component to our unique value.
It’s best to think of Theory systems as just that, high performance systems.
So if freedom to select the amplifier of your choice is higher on your priority list than the ultimate performance of the system, then Theory is probably not the right product for you. If, on the other hand, performance, fit and finish, quality of build and ease of installation rate higher than freedom of amplifier choice, then take a look and listen.
You’ll be glad you did.
And you’ll likely fall in love with our amplifiers, too. And by the way, you can use those anywhere, even outside the wonderful world of Theory systems.
Theory second generation DLC amplified loudspeaker controllers with Dante and AES67.